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JIMBRO3 is a perfect combination of three red grape varieties found in the hundred-year-old vineyards of Arribes del Duero. When mixed, the little-known Bruñal, Rufete and Juan García varieties produce an excellent wine with a unique character, elegance and harmony.
In the early stages of the JIMBROWORLD winemaking project, we focused our efforts on recovering the Bruñal grape variety, which, for a variety of reasons, was at risk of disappearing and being lost forever from the genetic registry of grape varieties in the late 20th century. During our work to preserve and recover the Bruñal variety, we gradually uncovered other varieties scattered across the ancient vineyards in the area, some of which were of great enological interest. Through our almost daily contact with the vineyards, we became familiar with these fantastic varieties, which would go on to form the basis of JIMBRO3.
JIMBRO3 is made from grapes growing in ancient vineyards in Fermoselle, Pinilla and Aldeadavila de la Ribera. The vineyards bear living witness to another era, another way of working and cultivating vines. They have withstood successive waves of rural exodus thanks to the indefatigable work of a group of people living in villages in Arribes del Duero, all of whom played a prominent role in what is now known as ‘heroic viticulture’. The toils of this anonymous group of men and women made it possible for us to enjoy these incredible vineyards to this day by ensuring their survival in the face of population decline throughout this part of Spain and the mechanisation of the viticulture sector.

2016 JIMBRO3 - Bruñal - Rufete - Juan García

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